Crossings HOA Meeting Minutes – Nov 3, 2002

NOVEMBER 3, 2002

The meeting was held at Ray Speicher’s and was called to order by President, Jack Curran at 7:08 p.m.  Board members present included Jack Curran, Sue Fey, Cathy Lesjack, Dan O’Connor and Ray Speicher.

Cathy recapped the previous month’s minutes and noted that she had received the return address stamp from Pat Mullen.  Items still requiring attention include the spraying of weeds between the omni stone and the trees planted by Leisure Lawn. Ray commented that these would be taken care of this spring.

There was no Treasurer’s Report.

Ray provided an update on Paul Fleck’s pond. He reported that Mr. Fleck has hired US Filter to perform tests on the pond water.  At this point all test results are normal with the exception of the phosphate level; however, all results are not yet in.  Sue mentioned that John Lesjack had observed the area and met with John Partridge.  John Lesjack’s recommendation was to wrap the standing pipe with filter fabric as required by the township and implement a cleanup/maintenance program for the sedimentation pond on the Crossings’ property. Should extensive sedimentation cleanup be required, the township will be contacted to provide assistance. Jack will procure and install the filter fabric.

Ray reported that he is still investigating the fence proposal at the corner of Hunting Ridge and Rochester. He is waiting to hear from Penn Dot on this matter.

Dan reported that the corrections to the Covenants that he has received to date have been completed. He received the remaining corrections tonight.  He expects to have them finished and the completed Covenants sent to John Cegalis for posting on the website this week.

Sue and Ray reported that they had received 25 responses to the Homeowner’s survey sent out in September.  Sue will categorize them and report at the next meeting.

Jack noted that there are 39 homes with light posts out and/or not working.  Cathy will draft a notice to include with the dues notices to remind homeowners that they are required to have a functioning light post.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Sunday, January 5, 2003 at Cathy Lesjack’s at 7:00 p.m.

Submitted by:
Cathy Lesjack