HOA Board Meeting Jan 17, 2012

The Crossings Homeowners Association

Board Meeting

Date: January 17, 2012 at 7:00pm

Location: Speicher Residence

In Attendance:

John Curran, James Lacey, Ray Speicher, Nancy Mantz, Chuck Kraynik

New Business:       

On January 10, 2012 board member Keith Baker received a phone call from a representative named Jean, of the Attorney of Arthur Smith who are representing a homeowner. A letter from the Board was requested to verify that the Homeowner’s HOA dues are paid.

Pursuant to the Board’s 11/16/11 decision to implement a $100 charge for providing a Certificate of Resale to any Crossings Homeowner requesting one after 1/1/12, we discussed whether this fee should also be applied to the requested letter.

It was noted that the homeowner’s are not selling the residence but are in the process of refinancing. Also noted, Jean did not request the Certificate of Resale document, instead, she wants a letter or even e-mail confirmation on the status of the homeowner’s dues.

Ray Speicher made a motion that providing a letter or e-mail for the purpose of supporting the refinancing process should be done without the $100 fee. Further, if the refinancing process does require a Certificate of Resale to be provided by the Board, then the $100 fee will be applied.

I seconded this motion and a unanimous vote of approval followed. We further agreed that the upcoming March 2012 letter from the Board to solicit candidates from The Crossings for election to the 1 year term positions, should include clarification regarding the Certificate of Resale $100 fee.

 Jack Curran reported that a certified letter was sent to a homeowner advising the HOA dues late account balance including interest fees. This letter was not answered. Jack was advised at the Post Office that we should go to the Township Magistrate and complete a form specifying the amount owed including interest, administrative fees, and expected court costs. This form should also include notification that if the total is not paid by 3/1/12, the process of placing a lien on the property will commence. The Magistrate will then notify the homeowner of the day and time to appear at the Magistrate’s office, where the letter and the information on the form will be read to him.

Jim Lacey made a motion to increase the interest rate on late dues to the 15% allowed by the By-Laws. Nancy Mantz seconded this motion and it was approved.

Jack Curran also noted that a homeowner also refused to accept a certified letter about her dues balance, but then made payment which was $6.00 short due to interest charges.

Jim Lacey reported that on 12/20/11, the savings account balance was $5714.16 and the checking account balance was $1857.01.

As of this meeting date, 67 Crossings homeowners have already made payment on 2012 dues and corresponding deposits of $8400 have been made at the bank to the Board’s account. Jim also noted that a homeowner had asked if the Board was considering another special assessment for the second retention pond project.

Ray Speicher reported that revised bids for 2012 Landscaping have been received. These revisions were requested to put all bidders on the same basis regarding how much mulch and wood chips would be used. Jim Lacey then made a motion that several members of the Board would measure the length, width, and depth of wood chips and mulch in the required areas to determine if these quantities are still need or if they can be reduced for cost savings. Jack Curran seconded this motion and will work with Jim to do this. We further agreed that a decision will be made at our next meeting to award the bid.

I reported no progress toward developing a new Crossings Directory for phone and e-mail contact information and Nancy Mantz offered to get in touch with Denise Shlusser for the files used in the past.

The next meeting is scheduled on Monday February 2nd at 7:00pm at the Speicher residence.