HOA Board Meeting Oct 19, 2011

The Crossings Homeowners Association

Board Meeting

Date:  October 19, 2011 7:30pm.

Location: Elks Lodge #2249


In attendance:        

John Curran, Dr. R.P. Francis, Keith Baker, James Lacey, Ray Speicher, Chuck Kraynik.

New Business:

On 10/1/11, a letter was sent to 11 Crossings homeowners advising them that they had until 10/31/11 to remit payment for dues in arrears. On the advice of Atty. Bernie Flugher, the 30-day remittance period was granted. Those homeowners in arrears on 11/1 will receive a second letter, with another 30-day remittance period. The second letter will also remind them that if dues remain unpaid on 12/1/11, the HOA will begin the lien process on their properties and any associated legal cost for this will be added to their account balances.

Budget Review:      

The Association Checking Account balance as of 10/19/11 is $3,500.00 and the Savings Account Balance as of 8/19 is $6,710.00

Pond Status & Update:

The first stormwater retention pond project has been completed and appears to be functioning normally. It was noted that some of the straw covering the grass seed that was planted on the perimeter had accumulated and partially blocked the outflow pipe and needed to be removed. This needs to be monitored.

An updated bid for the second retention pond remediation project will be requested to serve as the basis for deciding future funding assessments. It is not anticipated that this project will be done in 2012, but due to the scope of work, it is expected to cost much more than the first pond. A very rough estimate of $30,000 was noted. Funding through a combination of annual dues increases, a one-time assessment, and a two-phase assessment in 2012 and 2013 were identified as possible funding measures. We need to decide on the best method at our next meeting so that it can be communicated in the year-end letter to homeowners.

Grounds Projects:

Ray Speicher noted several grounds maintenance projects that need completion. They are as follows:

  • Removal of a dead tree in the common space near 319 Winchester Court. Jim Lacey has a contact and will request a bid for removal.
  • An electrician needs to be contracted for lighting repairs at the plan entrances.
  • The etched stone at the Stonehenge Drive entrance to the plan is badly stained and needs to be cleaned. Ray has already checked into this and spray application of bleach and rinsing was recommended.
  • 2012 landscaping bids have been requested by Pat Francis. To date, two have been received: from Goerl Landscaping and from Treesdale Landscaping. JLM and Sunset Construction bids are still expected. Ray Speicher suggested requesting a bid from Funyak Landscaping. All agreed that the 2012 bid scope should include a Spring / Fall landscape cleanup around the retention pond.
  • Ray Speicher also recommended resuming the semi-annual volunteer clean-up days in the commons areas of the Crossings.


New Business

Jim Lacey attended the Cranberry Township Homeowner’s Quarterly Meeting meeting at the Cranberry Township Municipal Center on 9/12. He reported that the information discussed is useful (minutes attached) and will plan on attending the next session on 12/12/11.

Property manager Angela Rankin will be invited to attend Board Meeting in the near future to present the advantages and cost of her service.

The year-end 2011 letter to homeowners needs to be sent soon. Items to be included are:

    • HOA Financial Statements
    • Information about the next election for HOA board members.
    • 2012 HOA dues.
    • Summary of the first retention pond project.
    • Estimated cost of renovating the second retention pond and any special assessments for providing funding for this project.

The Crossings web-site was discussed briefly with regard to the need for an update and ideas about how to increase its usage.

Ray Speicher noted that a Crossings bulletin board would be a useful way of communicating any upcoming events. It was noted that location of a single bulletin board might be problematic and that someone would be needed to keep the information current.

Action items for next meeting:

Prepare a draft of the second letter for delinquent dues to be sent on 11/1 – (Jack Curran).

Award bids for the removal of the dead tree near Winchester Court - (Ray Speicher).

Award bid for lighting repairs at plan entrances – (Ray Speicher).

Clean the etched stone at the Stonehenge entrance – (Ray Speicher).

Secure the other three landscaping bids – (Pat Francis).

Decide when to schedule the presentation from Property Manager, Angela Rankin – (Group).

Decide 2012 dues requirement, and funding assessment(s) for second pond project – (Group).

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 16th at 7:30pm. Ray Speicher volunteered to host this meeting at his home at 110 Crossing Ridge Trail.