HOA Board Meeting May 16th, 2012

The Crossings Homeowners Association

Board Meeting

Date: May 16, 2012 at 7:00pm

Location: Curran Residence


In Attendance:

Chris Bogdon, John Curran, Brian Kile, Chuck Kraynik, James Lacey, Kevin Sullivan. Unable to attend due to work travel was Ray Speicher.


Financial Report:    

Jim Lacey reported that the checking account balance is $17,569.90 and the savings account balance is $5718.17.

HOA dues collection for 2012 has two homeowners who have not yet paid for 1Q 2012.

One of these is past due for the past several years. A lien against the property for was placed, notarized, and stamped. The homeowner will receive a statement of judgment, and when the balance due is paid in full, the lien will be removed.

The other homeowner is a sale/pending and the seller’s realty agent is aware that the Homeowners Association is owed approximately $800. This will be paid from the distribution of funds from the property sale.



Your new HOA Board Officers for this year are:

                                    President:                                Jack Curran,                term 1 year.

First Vice President:                Chris Bogdon,             term 2 years.

Vice President:                        Brian Kile,                    term 2 years.

Asst. Secretary/Treasurer     Kevin Sullivan              term 2 years.

Treasurer                                Jim Lacey                    term 1 year.

Director - Grounds                  Ray Speicher              term 1 year.

Secretary                                Chuck Kraynik             term 1 year.



New Business:

Jack Curran made a motion that the contractor proposal for the restoration of the Phase 3 storm water retention pond be approved. Jim Lacey seconded the motion and Board voted unanimously to award the contract. Gasparovich Excavating, Inc., the same contractor that completed restoration last year of the Phase 1 pond, will be awarded the bid for a lump sum price of $11,000.

As discussed at the Annual Meeting, a $75.00 special assessment will be implemented to fund this project. Letters are being prepared for mailing to notify each homeowner in The Crossings of the Scope of Work, and that this assessment is payable before July 1, 2012. It would be best to commence this project in July or August to ensure completion before possible wet-weather in the Fall.

Several homeowners have contacted the Board regarding tree-removal at various green-space locations throughout the plan. Members of the Board will inspect and prioritize work to be done.

Jack Curran volunteered to contact Denise Slusser, who along with former Board member Nancy Mantz, was working on a new Crossings Directory. Jack will report on progress at our next meeting.

Brian Kile is reviewing the Covenants and By-Laws for developing potential amendments that will need to be approved by homeowners via vote.

Chris Bogdon has done some preliminary work on the Crossings web-site for improved functionality and faster communication. Some decisions will be required at future meetings regarding password protection; posting of meeting minutes; posting of the Crossings Directory, etc. This project looks very promising and Chris has already demonstrated some impressive work with the web-site. More on this will be reported after our next meeting.

For the first time that anyone can remember, the Phase 3 play area and pavilion will be used as the site for a wedding ceremony. On Saturday June 30th  at 4pm, the Meyers family at 903 Stonehenge Way will celebrate their son Scott’s wedding. Let’s all hope for good weather on that day. For those of us living nearby in Phase 3, we need remember this and remind each other to avoid starting up our noisy lawn mowers; string trimmers; power-washers, etc until after the newlyweds have exchanged their vows.