HOA Board Meeting Minutes – April 8, 2015

The Crossings Homeowners Association


Board Meeting

Date: April 8 at 7:00pm

Location: Sullivan Residence

The meeting began promptly at 7:00 PM at the Sullivan residence. The following board members were present: Brian Kile; Chuck Kraynik; Jim Lacey; and Kevin Sullivan. Chris Bogdon; Jack Curran; and Ray Speicher were unable to attend.

The open floor portion of the meeting was unnecessary as no other Crossings residents were in attendance.
Treasurer's Report

As of April 8, 2015:

Savings Account balance -     $5,726.21
Checking Account balance -   $26,713.87

Jim Lacey reported that 2015 HOA dues payments were received from 149 of the 150 residences in The Crossings. One home is currently vacated and the location of the owner is unknown at this time.
Grounds Report

Goerl Landscaping will be scheduling this year’s first work session soon and we will ask for recommendations to eliminate vines growing on one homeowner’s fence that borders Rochester Road.

New Business

The Annual meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 29th at 7:00pm in the Phase 1 park pavilion. The 2015 HOA Board members will be presented at this meeting.

This year, there were 4 board positions open for election. Nobody responded to the request for new nominees to run for election to fill these positions. Of the 4 current board members that have held these positions, 2 have decided to discontinue service to the HOA Board and two have decided to stay on. Very recently, two other Crossings residents have indicated a willingness to serve on the board if needed. In summary, there were 4 positions to fill, and 4 individuals willing to serve (2 current board members and 2 new volunteers). Therefore, the expense of conducting an election (envelopes, postage, etc.) was avoided. Board President Brian Kile will draft an amendment to clarify the current language in the bylaws regarding the election process in this circumstance. The board will review the amendment at the next meeting.

An inquiry was received from a homeowner regarding his options if he is able to determine where the dog droppings in his yard are coming from. Kevin Sullivan will respond to this resident and we will post another notice on the Crossings web-site asking that pet owners respect others’ properties and clean up after their pets.

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be Wednesday, May 20th at 7:00pm. The location will be determined at the annual meeting. As always, Crossings residents are encouraged to attend the open floor portion of these meetings to share ideas, concerns and recommendations.