HOA Board Meeting – Oct 16, 2013

The Crossings Homeowners Association

Board Meeting

Date:  October 16, 2013 at 7:00pm

Location: Speicher Residence

The meeting began promptly at 7:00 PM at the Speicher residence. The following board members were present: Brian Kile, Jim Lacey, Chuck Kraynik, Ray Speicher, and Kevin Sullivan. Chris Bogdon and Jack Curran were unable to attend.

No Crossings residents were present for the open floor portion of the meeting.

The minutes of the September 4, 2013 meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer's Report

As of October 16, 2013:

Savings Account balance -     $5,721.89
Checking Account balance - $17,585.58

2013 Dues collection is current.

The lien that had been placed by the HOA on one property in The Crossings for dues owed in arrears was removed. This account is now current.
Grounds Report
The three trees in the free space near 166 Crossing Ridge Trail are scheduled for removal as weather permits. Three bids were received for this job and it was awarded to Jessen Tree Service. These trees will be cut down and the brush and logs will be hauled away.

A motion was made to include hauling away brush whenever tree removal is required in the future. As space permits, logs may be cut and stacked but the contractor is to include brush removal in the scope-of-work. This motion was seconded and approved by unanimous vote.

New Business

Brian Kile reviewed a list of e-mail correspondence received by the Board since the September 4th meeting.

  • The shrubs/greenery near the lighted entrance to the plan on Stonehenge at Powell Road is brown and unhealthy. We plan to remove and replace these in the Spring of 2014.
  • There was a request to replant some of the trees that were removed to provide equipment access for the storm water retention pond in Phase 2. We are monitoring the performance of the pond since this project was completed. Although it appears to be working properly now, it may be necessary in the future to access the pond for some additional cleaning. As for plantings, we will discuss this with our landscaping contractor (Goerl) and we may consider some decorative tall grass plantings for this area.
  • A complaint was received about a dog attacking other dogs and/or their owners while walking them on Crossing Ridge Trail. A notice was posted on the web-site reminding everyone of their responsibility to control pets.
  • A complaint was received regarding dog-owners not cleaning up after their dogs. A motion was made to consider the purchase of several receptacles and bag dispensing stations to be placed throughout The Crossings. There was no second for this motion and no action will be taken at this time. This problem seems to surface periodically. It does appear that dog-owners are doing a better job of cleaning up after their dogs and respecting others’ properties. We ask for everyone’s continued attention to this issue.
  • It was noted that we had several residents the annual meeting last Spring, volunteer to investigate restarting the welcoming committee to greet new residents in The Crossings. The Board will follow-up with these volunteers to check on progress.

There was a short discussion regarding how the Board might attract and engage the participation of more residents, either through formation of new committees or encouraging new nominees for Board positions as they come due for election. Most people now serving on the Board have done so for multiple terms and new people becoming active in the HOA and bringing new ideas is a good thing for The Crossings.

A draft copy of the annual letter that will be sent in December regarding nominees for Board positions and information about 2014 dues will be prepared for review at the next Board meeting.

The next meeting of the HOA board is scheduled for 7:00pm on Wednesday, November 13th at the Sullivan residence at 132 Crossing Ridge Trail. As always, anyone wishing to provide comments and concerns is asked to join us for the first 30 minutes open-floor session of our meeting.