HOA Board Meeting April 10, 2013

The Crossings Homeowners Association

Board Meeting

Date: April 10, 2013 at 7:00pm

Location: Kraynik Residence

The meeting began promptly at 7:00 PM at the Kraynik residence. The following board members were present: Jack Curran, Brian Kile, Chris Bogdon, Kevin Sullivan, Jim Lacey, Ray Speicher, and Chuck Kraynik.

The open-floor session at the beginning of the meeting was unnecessary as no one from the HOA was present except for the above.
Treasurer's Report

As of 4/10/13:

Savings - $5,720.49
Checking Account balance - $23,651.77

Goerl Landscaping performed the first service treatment and applied wood chips and mulch at the pathway entrances/exits in the free spaces and the invoice has been paid.

We were informed by the parties executing the closing on the property at 163 Crossing Ridge Trail that the HOA will receive the fees that are legally due. This includes six months dues prior to the sale; the 2012 special assessment; the $200 fee paid in late 2012 to clean up the leaves; 2013 dues and interest; and the resale certificate fee.

There are 5 residences paying the 2013 HOA dues on a quarterly basis. 3 have paid for 2Q 2013 and the others are due on Monday, 4/15/13.

Discussions with the homeowner on whose property the lien was placed are ongoing.
Grounds Report

The tree between 167 and 169 Crossing Ridge Trail was cut down last month. One resident asked if the stump will also be removed. There are no plans to do this. The threat to the adjacent properties was eliminated by the tree removal. The stump is located in a free-space and it presents no danger of property damage.

Greg Frank reported at our March meeting that there was a tree cut down last autumn behind his home that still needs to be cut up and stacked. We discussed including this job in our annual Spring Clean-up activities. This year, Spring Clean-up will be on Saturday, May 11th from 9am until noon. Please consider joining us at 9:00am in the Phase 1 Park for a quick pick up of debris and other small jobs to keep The Crossings looking good. A notice will also be posted to our web-site.

Ray Speicher and Jack Curran both noted that tree branches and other yard waste is sometimes being deposited in the free spaces or even on the trails in the plan.

The Crossings annual Garage Sale will be held on Friday, April 19th and on Saturday, April 20th. More information about this will also be posted on our web-site.


Chris Bogdon was contacted about putting up a notice on the web-site for the Scouting for Food Drive run by the Boy Scouts. Information will be posted on The Crossings Facebook page, and a link to this information will be posted on The Crossings web-site.

Several residents have requested paper copies of the proposed amended covenants and these have been provided.

There are now, 113 residences and 126 registered users on the web-site. In response to the recently mailed request to provide contact information for the electronic directory that will be available on the web-site, we have received 112 responses.

Proposed Amended Covenants

Brian Kile and Chris Bodgon reported receiving requests from Crossings residents for more information about the proposed changes, or perhaps even a synopsis of what the differences are between our existing covenants and the proposed amended covenants. After discussion, Chris Bogdon made a motion that a notice be developed and posted on the web-site. This motion was seconded by Jim Lacey and approved by vote. Chris will draft this notice for the other board members to review and it will be posted on the web-site soon.

New Business

A few residents have expressed concern about the dust and noise from the equipments being used to grade the new Park Place Development. Brian Kile will share these concerns with Cranberry Township in the course of his normal interaction with them. At least one Crossings resident has already e-mailed the township expressing similar concerns. In reality, there is little that can be done during this grading and site-preparation activity to mitigate these issues. The sooner this work is completed, the better for everyone.

Brian also reported that the dry basin recently dug in the Phase 2 section of Park Place is where the walking trail was to be located. This exact location of the trail is still to be determined.  Moving the trail closer to Hunting Ridge may be a possibility.

Brian plans to have an enlarged Park Place Plan Map available at our upcoming annual meeting on April 30th and the Phase 1 Playground area. When the new plan maps are provided by Ryan Homes to the Township, we will post copies on the web-site.