HOA Board Meeting Feb 20, 2012

The Crossings Homeowners Association

Board Meeting

Date: February 20, 2012 at 7:00pm

Location: Speicher Residence

In Attendance:

Jack Curran, Jim Lacey, Ray Speicher, Pat Francis, Chuck Kraynik

New Business:       

Jack reported a recent conversation with Nancy Mantz who said that the update process for the Crossings Directory is underway. Nancy has been in touch with Denise Schlusser to review Denise’s file that contains this information. The goal is completion of this project in April 2012.

Jack gave an update on the lien-process for a homeowner. The paperwork was filed with the magistrate’s office and a tentative court date has been set for March 6th. The homeowner will be called in to hear the complaint brought by the Board and to respond to the magistrate. No Board attendance is necessary at this meeting. If no resolution is reached at this meeting, another court date will be set that representatives of the Board will attend, to present documentation of all prior communications with the homeowner regarding HOA dues in arrears.

Jim Lacey surveyed the common areas throughout the plan that require the application of wood chips and mulch annually. Measurements of each location were taken to calculate the number of cubic yards of chips and mulch that will be needed. This new material requirement will be sent to Goerl Landscaping and to Treesdale Landscape Company to verify final proposed pricing. The decision to award the bid will be made during the next scheduled meeting.

 Ray Speicher recommended that the Board utilize an attorney to review the Crossings Covenants and make recommendations on how best to revise them. Pat Francis will provide contact information to Ray for several attorneys who may be willing to do this. Ray will discuss with them and report findings at the next meeting.

Jim Lacey gave a financial update. Presently, the savings account balance is $20,874.29 and the checking account balance is $5714.16. Late notices for 1Q 2012 dues were sent to 13 homes and 11 homeowners have not yet responded.

The group discussed the upcoming election of new members to the Board that will take place on April 30th. A nomination form for candidates seeking to fill three one-year positions will be prepared and mailed to each home within the next week by Jim Lacey.

I raised the possible need to update the HOA web-site so that it can be used to for better communications. It was suggested that e-mail is a better method for this. I will prepare an insert for the nomination letter mailing, asking for each homeowner to provide an e-mail address. I will then make a distribution list of theseaddresses for future use to provide meeting minutes; project updates; and scheduled meeting dates and locations.

Ray will also contact Dave Kasperowicz (sp?) for an estimate of restoring the second retention pond.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 29th at 7:00pm at the Kraynik residence.