Crossings HOA: Meeting Minutes – Dec 12, 2018

The Crossings Homeowners Association

Board Meeting

Date:   Dec 12, 2018

Location: Bogdon’s Residence

Meeting started at 7:00 PM. All board members were present except Brian Kile. Previous month’s minutes were approved.

Treasurers Report:
Checking -        $1,545.59
Savings -          $ 5,736.90
Escrow -             $600.01

There are 11 resale certificates that have been issued.

All dues letters have been sent out to residents.  Keep in mind that the amount is due on January 31, 2019.   There will be two automated reminders that will be sent out prior to the due dates to remind all residents.

The trail in the phase one park is completed and the bill is paid.

We are investigating the option of industrial strength picnic tables for the Phase 1 Common Area.   We will provide more details once we finalize the designs.

Web Site and Social Media:
The Crossing’s HOA Website has 178 (no change) users registered.   There are also 155 (no change) Facebook members in the Crossings Neighborhood Group.

For any resident that is interested in joining the social committee, please send an email to

The luminary night has been scheduled for Dec 23rd, 2018.   For more questions, please contact Chris Bogdon (

Old Business: 
We are sending the bill to the house on Trowbridge to collect the back dues that we are entitled to.

Letters requesting the landlords to provide escrow money have already been sent and two landlords have not responded.   As a result, we will inform them of the intent to begin fining them if they don’t pay the required amounts.

We will be re-writing the bylaws in the future and this effort will be initiated in January.   These bylaws represent the rules of the HOA Board.

New Business:
There is an issue of pet waste being left on people’s yards.   We will be sending out a formal message to all residents.

Upcoming Events:
Crossings Luminary Night – Dec 23rd

Next Meeting:
The next board meeting will be on Wednesday, Jan 16th, 2019 at 7:00 pm and the location will be at 152 Crossing Ridge Trail.