HOA Board Meeting Sept 6, 2011

The Crossings Homeowners Association

Board Meeting

Date:  September 6, 2011 7:30pm.

Location: Elks Lodge #2249

In attendance:        

John Curran, Dr. R.P. Francis, Keith Baker, James Lacey, Chuck Kraynik.

New Business:

Nominations & Elections of Officers and terms. The following Board positions were filled as follows:

                                    John Curran – President – 2 years.

Ray Speicher – Director Grounds – 2 years

Nancy Mantz – Assistant Secretary / Treasurer – 1 year

Keith Baker – 1st Vice President – 1 year

Chuck Kraynik – Secretary – 2 years

Jim Lacey – Treasurer – 2 years

Pat Francis – Vice President  - 1 year

Budget Review:      

Currently, the Association Checking Account balance is $21,571.92

2011 liabilities balance:

$16,800 pond restoration project

$  1,400 Goerl Landscaping August invoice plus Fall clean-up

Year-end 2011 account balance projection is approximately $140.00

Pond Status & Update:

After some delay due to wet weather from Hurricane Irene and tropical storm Lee, work is underway. Steel plates have been brought in to allow for movement of heavy equipment (excavators, delivery of rip-rap stone, etc.). Jack Curran has reviewed the scope of the project with a homeowner who is satisfied with the plan.

Keith Baker noted that he received a request from a homeowner for a copy of the Statement of Work to be done. Jack Curran will provide a photocopy of the plan to a homeowner.

HOA Dues Collection:

Jack Curran provided a listing of homeowners in arrears on their HOA dues. Some homeowners have elected to use the quarterly payment option and several are at least one quarter behind. Approximately 12 homeowners have not made any 2011 payments. The 2011 HOA dues balance to be collected is approximately $1600. A motion was made and seconded that Jim Lacey and Jack Curran will draft a letter for the signature of all Board Members, to be sent to the delinquent accounts, reminding them that the Board has the option to place a lien on their property for uncollected dues. The portable drive that contains the financial records and history of the HOA was given by Jack Curran to Treasurer Jim Lacey.

Unauthorized Dumping

In the central wooded area of Phase 2, yard waste and other household debris is being dumped. In addition, in the wooded area behind Hunting Ridge Trail, stolen lawn ornaments, tools, and various litter items were discovered. It was suggested that an informational letter be prepared for distribution to all homeowners asking for their cooperation with proper disposal of yard waste, and encouraging their vigilance in observing and reporting any suspicious activity to the Cranberry Police.

General Discussion

It was noted that Bernard Flugher has retired and that legal needs for the HOA will now be conducted by the Jeff Myers Law Firm.

A letter was received from a homeowner, requesting to meet with the HOA Board to discuss the benefits that her service could provide. No response has been provided and this will be discussed at the next meeting of the Board.

Pat Francis has received a proposal from Goerl Landscaping for 2012 services that includes an increase in labor cost from $39 to $40 per hour. Jim Lacey has contacts with Treesdale Landscaping and will approach them with a request for proposal for 2012 landscaping services.

There are periodic meetings held at the Cranberry Municipal Building that are held with various HOA’s throughout Cranberry to discuss common problems and remedies and to share best-practices information. Jim Lacey volunteered to find the meeting schedule and attend if possible.

All agreed that the next meeting of the Board will be scheduled for Wednesday, October 19th at a location to be determined.