Crossings HOA Meeting Minutes – Dec 13, 2017

The Crossings Homeowners Association 

Board Meeting

Date:   Dec 13, 2017

Location: Bogdon’s Residence

Meeting started at 7:00 PM. All board members were present except Brian Kile and Carrie Silvers.  There were no residents present.   Previously month’s minutes were approved.

Treasurers Report:

Checking - $1758.39

Savings - $ 5734.05

We still have electric bills to pay before the end of the year.

We have already received 10 checks for payment of 2018 HOA Dues.


We will be contacting a resident who removed common area trees without board approval.

Web Site and Social Media:

The Crossing’s HOA Website has 176 users registered.   There are also 147 Facebook members in the Crossings Neighborhood Group.

We sent out a mailing to all residents encouraging them to register for both the Facebook and Website.


The Annual Luminary Day has been set for Sun Dec 17th and the backup date will be Sun Dec 24th.   We have 76 Residents that ordered luminaries through us.

Old Business:

There is no date set yet for the Sheriff’s sales of the abandoned house on Trowbridge Court.

The HOA Board has contacted Cranberry Twp. to put pressure on the bank regarding the house on Trowbridge Court.   A representative from Cranberry Twp. contacted the bank and they assured them that the problems will be addressed.   We will continue to monitor the situation with Cranberry Twp.

All ballots have been sent to residents for voting on the new amended covenants.

New Business:

The HOA Board is going to create a 5 year plan for renovating all common areas within the Crossings Neighborhood.  We are looking for feedback and ideas from residents on any improvements that can be implemented in the common areas.   If you have any feedback, please forward your recommendations to the board at

We have received a formal complaint regarding a resident that does not have a lamp post.  We will be contacting this resident ASAP to rectify the situation.

Upcoming Events:

Dec 17th – Annual Luminary Night

Dec 24th – Backup day for Annual Luminary Night

Next Meeting:

The next board meeting will be held on Jan 17th and the location will be at the Kendlick’s  residence at 301 Winchester Court.