Crossings HOA Meeting Minutes – May 26, 2020

The Crossings Homeowners Association
HOA Board Meeting
Date: May 26, 2020
Location: Phase 1 Common Area

The meeting started at 7:00 PM. All board members were present except Brenda Haney and Carrie Silvers. There were three residents present. The previous month’s minutes were approved.

Treasurers Report:
Checking -       $22,382.05
Savings -          $ 5741.23
Escrow -           $ 1600.69
There have been 3 resale certificates issued.
One of the residents that were present had a concern about the mulching of some of the trails. The grounds committee is contacting JML landscaping to do a walkthrough of the neighborhood and point out some of the issues.
We are going to be reaching out to Pioneer Paving in June to look at the culvert connecting Crossing Ridge Trail and Hunting Ridge Trail to the park. We are going to try to correct the issues with the drainage and the trail to the parks.
There was a concern from a resident of the HOA not replacing common area trees that have fallen down in common areas.

Web Site and Social Media:
The Crossing’s HOA Website has 184 (-1) users registered.  There are also 180 (+2) Facebook members in the Crossings Neighborhood Group.
Due to the new residents in the Crossings, we will be contacting all residents to let them know about the website and the Facebook groups. We will be placing a document in all resident's mailboxes regarding instructions on signing up for the groups. We are also going to be cleaning up the people that are on the Crossings Website who no longer live in the neighborhood.
We are going to be moving the Crossings HOA website to a new web hosting account.  Currently, the Crossings HOA is being hosted by Jack Curran who was the long time president. We thank Jack for his generosity in provide webspace hosting. We have decided to move the Crossings HOA website to an account that is owned by the Crossings HOA. We have settled on IONOS.COM which is the current wen hosting provider due to their low-cost structure. Sometime in the future, Chris Bogdon will be moving the website.
No update.  Due to Covid-19, we are going to wait until we determine the next public event.
Old Business:
Rewriting of our By-Laws for the neighborhood is in progress. We have sent around a draft to the HOA board to begin to review.
New Business:
Elections – We have a few people who expressed interest in serving on the board. Also, we have one resident whose term has expired.

We had a complaint from one resident who was concerned about a tree that fell into the common area between Park Place and the Crossings. We have already reached out to the HOA of Park Place to let them know of the complaint and request that they cut up the tree.
There was a question about whether all meetings in the winter months should be virtual. We are talking about this in the future to determine if we want to move from in-person to virtual meetings.
Upcoming Events:
Cranberry HOA Forum – June 8 – 6:30 pm – Chris Bogdon will be attending on our behalf
Next Meeting:
The next board meeting will be on June 17th at the Phase 1 Common Area.