Crossings HOA Meeting Minutes – Nov 14, 2018

The Crossings Homeowners Association 

Board Meeting

Date:   Nov 14, 2018

Location: Kendlick’s Residence

Meeting started at 7:00 PM. All board members were present except Jim Lacey. Previous month’s minutes were approved.

Treasurers Report:

Checking -         $9118.77

Savings -          $ 5,736.18

Escrow -             $100.01

There are 12 resale certificates that have been issued.  We are anticipating 2 more resale certificates.

We will be sending out the 2019 dues letter shortly.  We have also changed the due date until January 31, 2019.


The trail in the phase one park should be completed shortly.  Unfortunately, the contractor ran into some equipment issues.

There was a discussion about investigating the cost to install electricity into the Phase 1 pavilion.  This will possibly make the pavilion a bit more useful for residents.

We are going to be investigating updating more trails in the spring.

Web Site and Social Media:

The Crossing’s HOA Website has 178 (no change) users registered.   There are also 155 (no change) Facebook members in the Crossings Neighborhood Group.


For any resident that is interested in joining the social committee, please send an email to

The luminary night has been scheduled for Dec 23rd, 2018.   Forms were mailed and are due back on Dec 2, 2018.  For more questions, please contact Chris Bogdon (

Old Business:

The house on Trowbridge is has been sold at Sheriff’s Sale.  The bill has been provided to the group that is managing the sale.

A letter is being drafted to request escrow money according to the HOA covenants.

A letter is being sent to a landlord whose tenant is in violation of the covenants.

Letters requesting the landlords to provide escrow money have already been sent.

New Business:

We will be re-writing the bylaws in the future and this effort has been postponed to December or January.   These bylaws represent the rules of the HOA Board.

Upcoming Events:

Crossings Luminary Night – Dec 23rd

Next Meeting:

The next board meeting will be on Wednesday Dec 12th at 7:00pm and the location will be at 114 Crossing Ridge Trail.