HOA Board Meeting Minutes – Feb 11, 2015

The Crossings Homeowners Association


Board Meeting

Date: February 11 at 7:00pm

Location: Curran Residence

The meeting began promptly at 7:00 PM at the Curran residence. The following board members were present: Chris Bogdon; Jack Curran; Chuck Kraynik; Jim Lacey; Ray Speicher; and Kevin Sullivan. Brian Kile was unable to attend.

The open floor portion of the meeting was unnecessary as no other Crossings residents were in attendance.
Treasurer's Report

As of February 11, 2015

Savings Account balance -    $ 5,726.21
Checking Account balance -   $26,617.06

Jim Lacey presented to 2014 Financial Report and the 2015 Budget. The Board reviewed and approved both documents. These will be posted to the web-site.

2015 dues collection is nearly complete. Payment has been received from 148 of 150 Crossings residences. If the two remaining homeowners fail to make payment by March 1, the will receive written notification of their new balance with interest and penalty applied.
Grounds Report

Ray Speicher and Jim Lacey met with Goerl to complete negotiations for extending the landscaping contract. Goerl’s proposal was reviewed by the Board and approved for signature. Pricing for this two-year extension is based on 2014 rates.


New Business

There is one residence that has no post lamp. This homeowner will receive written notification in the mail for non-compliance with the covenants.

A notice will be posted to the web-site instructing any interested Crossings resident regarding completion of nomination form for the upcoming election of Board members in April. There will be two board positions vacated. Anyone interested in service to the HOA is encouraged to seek election.

A recommendation was received from a Crossings resident suggesting that rental of a dumpster should be planned for the 2015 Spring clean-up day. The Board debated the merits and potential problems and voted against providing a dumpster.

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 18th at 7:00pm at the Speicher residence at 110 Crossing Ridge Trail. As always, Crossings residents are encouraged to attend the open floor portion of these meetings to share ideas, concerns and recommendations.