HOA Board Meeting Feb 6th, 2013

The Crossings Homeowners Association

Board Meeting

Date: February 6, 2013 at 7:00pm

Location: Sullivan Residence

The meeting began promptly at 7:00 PM at the Sullivan residence. The following board members were present: Jack Curran, Brian Kile, Chris Bogdon, Kevin Sullivan, Ray Speicher, and Chuck Kraynik. Jim Lacey was ill and unable to attend, but did provide the financial report via phone and e-mail.

The open-floor session at the beginning of the meeting was unnecessary as the only residents present were the Board members.

Treasurer's Report

As of 2/6/12:

Savings - $5,720.49
Checking Account balance - $26,259.24
137 homeowners have paid 2013 dues in full.

5 homeowners paid 1Q 2013 dues.

A letter detailing repayment plans for the homeowner with the property on which the HOA has placed a lien was sent in January. Ray Speicher and Jim Lacey will have follow up discussions with this resident.

The letter for the attorney that handled the foreclosure of 163 Crossing Ridge Trail was sent in January to document the fees owed to our HOA.

Grounds Report

Ray Speicher is soliciting bids to remove a tree between 167 and 169 Crossing Ridge. This tree has multiple trunks and will be difficult to safely drop and remove without damaging any adjacent property.

A resident submitted a question to the Board asking if there is language in the existing Covenants that addresses unused vehicles parked in driveways. This is not addressed in our Covenants. There will be language in the amended Covenants that will guide the actions of future Boards in similar situations.


Chris Bogdon reported that there are now 111 people (100 households) registered on The Crossings web-page. 91 responses were received on the directory update forms that were sent with the dues payment notices.


New Business

Ray Speicher noted that preparations need to begin for Nominations letters for the Board Positions that are up for election this year. Chris Bogdon volunteered to get copies of the forms used in prior years from Jim Lacey and to make a sufficient number of copies for use again this year.



The Board continued the discussion regarding amendment of The Crossings Covenants. Good progress was made and the goal remains to have the Covenants and By-laws available to all homeowners for their review prior to voting on their approval at the 2013 annual meeting on April 29th.

In order to meet this timeline, the Board will meet at 7:00pm on Wednesday, February 20th, at the Bogdon residence. This meeting is dedicated exclusively to producing a final draft copy of the proposed amended covenants.

The next regular HOA Board meeting is set for 7:00 PM on Wednesday, March 6th at 7pm at the Curran residence at 501 Sheffield Court.