Crossings HOA Meeting Minutes – Feb 2, 2003

FEBRUARY 2, 2003

This special meeting was held at Ray Speicher’s and was called to order by Ray at 7:03 p.m.  Board members present included Jack Curran, Sue Fey, Pat Francis, Cathy Lesjack, Pat Mullen, Dan O’Connor and Ray Speicher.

Ray reported that there are 5 trees down in the Crossings that need to be removed. Three of the trees are in the detention pond area, one is in the lake and one is in the common ground behind Cook’s house. He obtained two written estimates to remove the trees and stack the wood.  Cathy moved to accept the low bid of $1100.00 by Lakeview Landscaping contingent upon proof of insurance from the contractor. Dan seconded.  Motion passed.  Ray will notify Lakeview and expects removal to take place next week.

Pat F. reported that he, Jack and Ray had installed the filter cloth on the standing pipe in the detention pond. Ray will notify Paul Fleck of this action and of the tree removal.

Pat M. reported that there are three homeowners who have not paid any dues for 2002. Pat will proceed according to the By-laws and start lien proceedings, if necessary.

Ray presented the nomination form for this year’s election for review by the board.  He noted that Cathy, Pat M. and Dan have expiring terms. In addition, only homeowner’s whose dues are current will be eligible to vote. He announced that the envelopes would be stuffed at the next meeting and mailed that week.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Sunday, March 2, 2003, at Pat Francis’.

Submitted by:
Cathy Lesjack