The Crossings Homeowners Association

Board Meeting

Date:   Jan 17, 2018

Location: Kendlick’s Residence

Meeting started at 7:00 PM. All board members were present except Chris Bogdon.  There was one resident who attended the meeting.   Previously month’s minutes were approved.

Treasurers Report:

Checking - $24104.39

Savings - $ 5734.05

There are 16 homeowners who have not yet paid their dues.  Late notices with penalties will be sent to those homeowners.


We are soliciting bids for grass cutting and landscape maintenance for starting in 2019.

We are looking to make more permanent improvements to the trails in the common areas. This project will be done over several years.

Web Site and Social Media:

The Crossing’s HOA Website has 182 users registered.   There are also 150 Facebook members in the Crossings Neighborhood Group.


No new updates

Old Business:

Amendments to the covenants: the covenants require 2/3’s of those voting to vote yes. There were 89 total votes cast. Total yes votes - 62, total no votes - 27. Over 2/3’s of those voting voted to approve and the amendments passed. The new covenants will be signed and notarized at the February meeting and then recorded.

2018 Budget was approved. Copy of the budget and the 2017 financial report will be sent to all residents via the website.

There is no date set yet for the Sheriff’s sales of the abandoned house on Trowbridge Court.  We have reached back out to the township for an update on their communications with the bank.

The HOA Board has contacted Cranberry Twp. to put pressure on the bank regarding the house on Trowbridge Court.   A representative from Cranberry Twp. contacted the bank and they assured them that the problems will be addressed.   We will continue to monitor the situation with Cranberry Twp.

Letters were sent to homeowners with violations of the covenants and meetings will be arranged to discuss remedies.

New Business:

We are investigating the possibility of removing the playground equipment from the phase III common area and clearing some overgrowth near the pavilion.

Upcoming Events:


Next Meeting:

The next board meeting will be held on Feb 21st, 2018 and the location will be at the Meyer’s  residence at 152 Crossing Ridge Trail.