Crossings HOA Meeting Minutes – Nov 15, 2017

The Crossings Homeowners Association

Board Meeting

Date:   Nov 15, 2017

Location: Silver’s Residence

Meeting started at 7:00 PM. All board members were present except Keith Meyers, Kevin Sullivan and Mike Kendlick.  There were no residents present.   Previously month’s minutes were approved.

Treasurers Report:

Checking - $4098.65

Savings - $ 5734.05

We still have landscaping, insurance, and electric bills to pay before the end of the year.


There have been trees being cut down in the common area without Board Approval.  Due to complaints, we are currently addressing the situation.

Web Site and Social Media:

The Crossing’s HOA Website has 174 users registered.   There are also 142 Facebook members in the Crossings Neighborhood Group.

We will be soliciting more residents to join the Facebook and Website through a mailing that will be included in the HOA Bill that will be sent to all residents in the middle of December.


The Annual Luminary Day has been set for Sun Dec 17th and the backup date will be Sun Dec 24th.   We are currently preparing the ordering forms for all residents and will distribute them quickly.

Old Business:

There is no date set yet for the Sheriff’s sales of the abandoned house on Trowbridge Court.

The covenants have been approved by the board.   We will be sending around the ballot to vote on the amended covenants.   This ballot will be included with the HOA dues mailing that will be going out in mid December.

New Business:

We discussed the process of approving plans and additions to houses in the development.   Before the HOA can approve plans as per the covenants, the resident must get a building permit from Cranberry Twp. first.   Once the Twp. approves the plans, we can then review them our selves.

Upcoming Events:

Dec 17th – Annual Luminary Night

Dec 24th – Backup day for Annual Luminary Night

Next Meeting:

The next board meeting will be held on Dec 13th and the location will be at the Bogdon’s  residence at 114 Crossing Ridge Trail.